Media item
Soundtrack door Martin de Ruiter
Creative Commons – Attribution-Share Alike
You are free to remix, tweak, and build upon this work even for commercial purposes, as long as the author or licensor is credited, and new works are licensed under identical terms.
- OGG (sd 5.3 MB): 01/11/111197.111194.soundtrackMartin[..].ogg
- MP3 (sd 1326.5 kB): 01/11/111199.111194.soundtrackMartin[..].mp3
- FLAC (sd 8.9 MB): 01/11/111201.111194.soundtrackMarti[..].flac
- WAV (source 28.6 MB): 01/11/111194.soundtrackMartindeRuiter.wav
Dit is de soundtrack die componist Martin de Ruiter maakte speciaal voor de Celluloid Remix van Victor Ponten ('Hoe de wereld veranderde')
- Creator:
- Martin de Ruiter
- Publication date:
- 31 January 2012
- Length:
- 02:28
- Type:
- audio
- Original format:
- User:
- eye film instituut nederland